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Bad Habits

I used to search “thinspo” pics on Pinterest.

I used to skim the pages looking for that ONE quote that just GOT me.

Maybe it would be the kick in the gut that I needed to keep pushing myself in the gym… or maybe it was a sarcastic comment about “excuses” and weakness in the kitchen to keep that extra bite of food off my plate…

I’d scroll for lengthy periods at a time, mostly at night before bed, when my stomach growled from eating so little or my heart hurt from a number on the scale that revealed I weighed “too much.”

I’d pin and pin, saving images on my phone, stocking up inspiration for my moments of weakness & nearly caving.


I just wanted to look like them.

I just wanted to feel like they did.

I just wanted to be them.

So I kept scrolling &

I kept going.

Stuck in the same cycle,

terrified of ever stopping,

terrified of ever looking

the way I did,

the way I had,

and the way I thought I would

if I stopped.

I kept going and going, pushing & pushing,

until one day…

I couldn’t anymore.


What I thought I was looking for was encouragement to keep going,

when all along what I needed more than anything was

someone to give me permission to STOP.

A whisper to say it was all going to be OKAY.

A whisper to tell me I was already ENOUGH.

A whisper to tell me there was MORE to life than this.

More than yo-yo dieting.

More than punishing myself in the gym.

More than the never-ending cycle of defeat, disappointment and desperation.


Ya know,

these days I look back on old pictures of myself.

Behind my thinnest frames lie more weight than I’ve ever carried.

In my smallest sizes,

I wasn’t good enough.

I wasn’t skinny enough.

I wasn’t pretty enough.

And today, after years of telling myself lies of self-hate and diet-culture, I still have moments of doubt and insecurity. I taught & gave myself every tip and tool in the rulebook to keep my feet on the treadmill and my hand out of the bag of chips. I learned a lifetime worth of lies in a matter of a few years. I am unlearning these false “truths” on the daily. I am battling against every false prophet or scam I ever believed. I am tired,

But I keep fighting.

I keep fighting to see worth outside of a number on a scale,

To see freedom when I open the fridge.

I keep fighting to see beauty when I look at my curves & “imperfections,”

To see a worth that lies way deeper than them.

My body is growing, changing,

challenging & protecting me.

It’s climbed mountains, crossed borders

& chased sunsets at the sea.

It’s had moments of brokenness,

It’s shared times of doubt,

But my strength will always be greater

than dumbbells and workouts.

I can be beautiful.

I am, in fact.

But my beauty isn’t tied to size or

a date of completing a task.

It’s sewn in, like the scars on my skin,

strung deep into my bones.

Small yet purposeful, a

a string of faith I’d never known.

I have learned peace,

and found lightness

on my heaviest of days.

Drawn hope despite the chaos

of my darkest displays.

Life saved me from a past

held bondage by fear.

A future made bright

now that my "thinspo" browser is clear.

Wearing Aerie Oversize Nomad Pants: Found here!



Thank you SO MUCH for your support! 

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